Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Finals week is over for me. Good luck to the rest of my school mates who have one more day to endure. I can safely say this has been the most intense week of finals I have ever experienced, they were pretty hard. My english exam was set up to resemble the AP exam I will have to brawl against in May, with a 60 minute multiple choice section. There was nothing that anyone in the class could do to prepare for this section of the test, and from the looks on most every one's face afterwards, they all felt the same as me. The vocabulary and logical fallacies section on the other hand, went extremely well. There wasn't a government final, only a unit five test; leaving me with the rest of the period to study for pre-calc. Math is not something I can say I shine in, but I feel like I did a decent job on this test as well. Overall, my day of testing went surprisingly smoothly considering the 3 hours of sleep I am running on:

Thank goodness for a good cup of coffee in the morning.

Although I am done with finals for this trimester, and have a fairly desirable schedule for the next 12 weeks, I don't feel very relieved. Friday I leave for Berkley at 4:30 a.m. for Model UN. I wish that someone could tell me what I was thinking when I decided to go, it has become the epicenter of stress, and the reason that I can not revel in the conclusion of finals.

I feel that as students, we are set up for exhaustion. We are given a task to complete, a quick pat on the back and another daunting task to conquer etc etc.. maybe I am lazy and like to complain, but it really seems like an unhealthy pattern. People need to slow down a bit.

Ski season is almost through, where has the time gone?! Spring brings long boarding and cycling along with it, so I suppose that is the light at the end of the tunnel. I am pretty excited about long boarding this summer, I finally invested in a new long board. (my arbor was ganked from my Subaru early last summer ) The new one I got from a friend is a great set up that should be a fun ride, I'll get some pictures soon.

I went snowshoeing with my dog today, I hadn't been yet this winter; it was so refreshing. Great to finally have time to get outdoors again, I forgot my camera, maybe next time.

(this guy makes goods lists, good "shit," if you will: check em )

-_- r

1 comment:

  1. Does this guy make good "shit" too?
