Thank goodness for a good cup of coffee in the morning.
Although I am done with finals for this trimester, and have a fairly desirable schedule for the next 12 weeks, I don't feel very relieved. Friday I leave for Berkley at 4:30 a.m. for Model UN. I wish that someone could tell me what I was thinking when I decided to go, it has become the epicenter of stress, and the reason that I can not revel in the conclusion of finals.
I feel that as students, we are set up for exhaustion. We are given a task to complete, a quick pat on the back and another daunting task to conquer etc etc.. maybe I am lazy and like to complain, but it really seems like an unhealthy pattern. People need to slow down a bit.
Ski season is almost through, where has the time gone?! Spring brings long boarding and cycling along with it, so I suppose that is the light at the end of the tunnel. I am pretty excited about long boarding this summer, I finally invested in a new long board. (my arbor was ganked from my Subaru early last summer ) The new one I got from a friend is a great set up that should be a fun ride, I'll get some pictures soon.
I went snowshoeing with my dog today, I hadn't been yet this winter; it was so refreshing. Great to finally have time to get outdoors again, I forgot my camera, maybe next time.
(this guy makes goods lists, good "shit," if you will: check em )
-_- r