Wednesday, September 2, 2009

30 hour days.

The days seem to get shorter as I get older, and I'm only 16!! What am I going to do when I'm thirty? Fourty? Fifty?! ....!!!! Especially now that school has started, there simply aren't enough hours in the day for me to be productive, yet have the freetime to be completely worthless. That being said, it is creating an awful habit on my part. I can't mail things.

I've always been a big 'Thank You' card person, and since the Hanukkah/Christmas season, it seems like I can't make the time to sit down and write a short note to my family and friends who thought of me. And that isn't even the worst part. During the holiday season, I have a nice, long break full of empty days that I generally spend up on Baldy, shreddin'. Not in school or work being productive. I'm having me time. Skiing also doesn't take up the entire day, and closes at 4:30. So what is it you ask that I spend the rest of my day doing? I honestly couldn't tell you. I don't recall being too productive, maybe a nap and some web surfing? A little ice skating perhaps? And yet I can't find a half hour to devote to my friends and family. I'm ashamed.

This hasn't only happened during the holidays, my birthday was another slump in the 'thank you' notes. At least this time I got them written and stuffed into envelopes....two months late! I truly am embarassed and sorry for all the people who will recieve one when I finally send them out.
Not only have a I been terribly with the ty notes. My letters are accumulating on my shelf as well. I have letters for my friends who have left for adventures in other countries, I have letters for my family in Canada, and worst of all, I have a letter to my father, a reply, from December waiting to go out! How have I let myself get so far behind!? I love mail and find myself wondering why I never get anything important. Maybe that's the answer Rach! o_0
After I mail the large shipment of letters out, I will honestly try to keep a steady export rate going. Promise with both of my pinkies.

A side note..
Today was my second day of school, and I am already wiped out. I have lost nearly all of my excitment for school, but don't hate it yet, so that's a good sign. I also haven't started half assing my assignments either, another good sign. I will say that sociology is going to be the coolest class I have taken to date, and absolutely love it. Everyone should have that class. As far as not so cool classes, Chemistry takes the cake. I have Mr. Tuxhorn who is the nicest, most genuine man ever, but teaching just isn't his claim to fame. He is too soft spoken to control a class and way to friendly, not to mention 'blazed' all day as some other kids would say. I'll leave that one up for debate. The class that I honestly can't say I have an opinion on aside from intense is AP Language and Comp. We have had to exams already to show us what's up for the final and to see where we're all at, and I'm betting I get a big, bold RETARD stamp on both of mine. I wasn't prepared to comprehend let alone think so hard on the first day. Oh well, I am still pretty interested to see how it goes.
I think this is getting a little lengthy so I'll leave it at that...

Inspiring picture of the day for me.

This was featured on the cover of National Geographic at some point which in itself says so much. They have the best photos in that magazine. Anyways, the colors are so strong and her face holds so much, I just want to go up and talk to her.

When I can't take my own picture to put in my blog, I think I'll post one that I really enjoy, to keep things interesting. Maybe a video or song instead every once in a while.

It's bed time for me though, picture day tomorrow already! Yikes!!



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