-Chicago with NHS ladies for a LEAD conference. Crazy trip with crazy girls. A groovy city as well, too bad the clouds were out for the Sears (Willis) Tower.
-Model UN wasn't as bad as I made it sound, (this happens a lot. I am a hyperbolizer =/) Anyways, it was a lot of fun with a lot of interesting people.
in committee
the crew, minus Bill
-Spring break trip to Oregon. We went college scopin' and I fell in love with Lewis and Clark as well as Reed. University of Oregon was really nice as well, I just love Oregon! It was great to see Kybugs family, even if she wasn't there, while also gettng the chance to know Jen <3
spring blossoms on Reed's campus
...and of course some family time <3
-School, school, school.... the AP exams I was complaining about last post were really not as terrible as I was anticipating, thank goodness the classes are over, it's nice to have a few extra periods to catch up on other end of the year things. Ror and I created 'Us' and competed in our school's battle of the bands...placing third. It was so much fun! We get to play again soon, Dog Days is coming up June 5th!! Come see some great music for a great cause :)
...followed by a quality game of croquet..
-Gaper day 2010 happened, was grand, and I can hardly wait for the next ski season to begin. Though I won't get ahead of myself - I am ready to greet summer with wide, open arms...while looking forward to skiing :)
andrew, will, and apotts. gaping.
-Junior and Senior prom! Both were a blast, but obviously senior prom was the better of the two. Jake and I, along with everyone else had a great time at both Bill's and the dance, despite the ridiculously long line. It sure will be hard to beat next year!
with HB pre-jprom
with Jake pre-sprom
-I have acquired some new hardware. Jordan was kind enough to sell me his long board. I have had a blast cruisin' already and can't wait for more time to spend with it.
I also received this lovely bike as a gift from my mom for my birthday, *thanks mom* I had a blast painting it and making it my own. Now I wait for the weather to get better so I can ditch my gas guzzler and ride this new beast everywhere. Goal of the summer: fill up no more than three times (outside of roadtrips.) :)
Yikes, so much for shortening it. Anyways, I am a tool and realized that the majority of those pictures are already posted. =/ Next post will be filled with more surprises I hope. All good things going on.
Thanks for reading...(Nick) :)
Yikes, so much for shortening it. Anyways, I am a tool and realized that the majority of those pictures are already posted. =/ Next post will be filled with more surprises I hope. All good things going on.
Thanks for reading...(Nick) :)